Solutions to Puzzles & Treasure Hunts (Spoilers!)

Discussion in 'Player Created Resources' started by Rinaldi, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. Rinaldi

    Rinaldi Bug Hunter

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    Oops! :eek: Thanks for letting me know. I made the correction. :D
    Time Lord, FrostII and Violet Ronso like this.
  2. Goliath Pomerantz

    Goliath Pomerantz Avatar

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    You stand next to a god my friend. Thank you muchly. :)
    Anpu and Time Lord like this.
  3. Vaentorian

    Vaentorian Localization Team

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    I hope it's not bad form to share a map (I'll delete if it is).

    I was able to find the lair a couple of times through brute force rather than careful planning - mainly thanks to your tip about using the special stone which cuts out a lot of grind. Then I figured if I need to come back in future I'll have no clue what I'm doing, so on my third run I dusted off my cartography pencil and sketched the layout on a scrap of paper... and because apparently I have nothing better to do I reproduced it in Paint and tidied it up a bit.

    W/N/E are the entrances, dotted lines near the lair are the section of hedge which moves when the puzzle is solved, arrow symbols are the arrow/stone puzzle locations, blue arrow is the special one. There's another barrel in the eastern section but I forgot to record it while rushing to finish the map.

    I counted 6 standard arrows when I was drafting the map, and on an earlier run one of the arrows said it was stuck (instead of the normal "revolving arrow" tooltip) so @Rinaldi I suspect there's a bit more complexity than in your 4-arrow solution. Possibly activating certain arrows disables others, I don't know, couldn't be bothered to invest any more time in this today. If I'm motivated to investigate further some other time I'll bring my findings back here.
  4. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    What do the coordinates say? North-South / Height / East-West?
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  5. Rinaldi

    Rinaldi Bug Hunter

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    With "/loctrack", the coordinates that are shown are in the order x, z, y (x is East-West, z is elevation/height, y is North-South). I updated my initial post to include this detail so the info is readily available for other players. :D
    (It is possible that in some zones x may be north-south, and y may be east-west if the zone orientation is somehow incorrect).
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    Time Lord, ConjurerDragon and Anpu like this.
  6. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Pacific Northwest
    Just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful reference that you've given us.
  7. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    I´m currently in Middle Downs and I don´t get the sealed door open.
    First I tried to push the button on all 4 outer mounds - the door to the inner room in the inner mound stayed shut.
    Then I tried to go back to each single outer mound, push the button and look at the inner mound - inner door stays closed.
    Is there any indicator which button I used wrong or some sound when all 4 have been pressed right?
    Time Lord likes this.
  8. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    Could you give an estimate how much damage the tornado gave you when doing that or how you protected yourself? I just tried it and that sandstorm ripped 600 health from me in seconds...
    Time Lord likes this.
  9. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    Following your guide I finally managed to open the crypt for the first time. However I entered slowly and searched first the right chamber - and suddenly I was teleported out of the crypt in front of an again closed door. Is there a time limit on the open door or the time in the crypt?
    Time Lord likes this.
  10. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    You might want to add that the stairs have a few steps missing and at least 3 places where someone simply running up the stairs will fall through and has to start again.

    The rock east of the temple has TWO horse heads, facing to and away from the temple. This is the one facing towards the temple

    Area: South Drachvald Spur (Novia_R5_Hills01_Road) Loc: (-127.724, 91.265, -44.75) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfSGlsbHMwMV9Sb2FkfHwoLTEyNy43MjQsIDkxLjI2NSwgLTQ0Ljc1KXwoMCwgLTAuOTMzLCAwLCAtMC4zNTkpfC0yNzM1Ljg4M3wtOC44MDE3MDJ8MS4yNQ==

    That is the bowl below the second horse head that faces away from the temple. One might say that this horse head would grow from the arse of the horse with the first head:
    Area: South Drachvald Spur (Novia_R5_Hills01_Road) Loc: (-82.478, 86.059, -53.381) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfSGlsbHMwMV9Sb2FkfHwoLTgyLjQ3OCwgODYuMDU5LCAtNTMuMzgxKXwoMCwgLTAuOTUyLCAwLCAwLjMwNSl8LTEyMjQuMzh8MjAuOTI2NzF8MS4yNQ==

    Area: South Drachvald Spur (Novia_R5_Hills01_Road) Loc: (63.431, 77.186, 33.931) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfSGlsbHMwMV9Sb2FkfHwoNjMuNDMxLCA3Ny4xODYsIDMzLjkzMSl8KDAsIDAuNjgzLCAwLCAwLjczMSl8LTI3OTQuMzU2fDI0Ljg5NDkyfDEuMjU=

    They made the horse head on the rock glow red - looks like a torch or Nightmare from a distance and can even be seen from atop the temple.

    Area: South Drachvald Spur (Novia_R5_Hills01_Road) Loc: (77.695, 75.674, 82.295) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfSGlsbHMwMV9Sb2FkfHwoNzcuNjk1LCA3NS42NzQsIDgyLjI5NSl8KDAsIDAuOTExLCAwLCAwLjQxMyl8LTI3OTYuODd8LTEuNzk2MDkyfDEuMjU=

    The horse shape has been illuminated in the same way as the small horsehead before.

    Area: South Drachvald Spur (Novia_R5_Hills01_Road) Loc: (-212.381, 94.836, -345.796) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjVfSGlsbHMwMV9Sb2FkfHwoLTIxMi4zODEsIDk0LjgzNiwgLTM0NS43OTYpfCgwLCAtMSwgMCwgLTAuMDI2KXwtMjcwMi4zNzN8LTMuNDIyNDY0fDEuMjU=

    And for the rest - I would have bet that the symbol is an air symbol giving a wind to jump up to the bell tower. But a gate does it as well. Additionally I thought that there would be only 4 offering bowls because the temple has only 4 columns with a bowl each and that the fifth rose would go into the symbol below the bell tower I were wrong again.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2022
    Time Lord likes this.
  11. Baratan

    Baratan Avatar

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    The image links are expired
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  12. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    they weren't, but you may have your browser set to block http links. edited to https.
    Time Lord and Anpu like this.
  13. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    I just looted a "Rusty Spoon" with some other rusty equipment.
    Is that an intended reference of Alan Rickman´s words to his cousin Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood about killing Robin with a spoon because it hurts more?
    Time Lord likes this.
  14. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    Just tried to follow that faster route - the devs did try to make it more difficult to outflank the puzzle walls and puzzle bridge. They placed several stones, each one inside the arches that in the video the avatar is simply hopping through. Now it´s more like wiggling a while to get through.
    vulcanjedi likes this.
  15. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    I found the skeleton with the note following your description. However there was no gold ore there

    Area: North Varisalla Foothills (Novia_R8_Hills01_02_North_Varisalla_Foothills) Loc: (8.905, 73.328, 49.684) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjhfSGlsbHMwMV8wMl9Ob3J0aF9WYXJpc2FsbGFfRm9vdGhpbGxzfHwoOC45MDUsIDczLjMyOCwgNDkuNjg0KXwoMCwgMC4yNjMsIDAsIDAuOTY1KXwtMTcxMy42MTd8MzUuNjIyMTZ8MS4yNQ==

    Is it possible that this gold node spawns randomly instead of being fixed as part of the skeletons story?
  16. Rinaldi

    Rinaldi Bug Hunter

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    I think every ore node location in SOTA has a random chance to spawn ore (or not spawn ore) , including the ore nodes described in my post.
    Sannio likes this.
  17. Rinaldi

    Rinaldi Bug Hunter

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    Decrepit & Blood Stained Treasure Maps! - Spoilers Ahead!

    Getting started and Basic Information

    To get basic information on the treasure hunt process, talk to any of the Junior Treasure Hunters (the Junior Treasure Hunters are NPC children that can be found in Aerie, Ardoris, Central Britanny, Resolute and Castle Atos).
    Or you can talk to Selleck, who is standing on the Southeast dock in Port Harmony.

    Selleck tells you the equipment needed and the method required to dig up treasure chests: basically, you need to stand at the location on the treasure map, equip a special shovel (called an explorer's shovel), and then use the dig emote.
    Selleck gives you an explorer's shovel, the dig emote, and a treasure map to get you started.
    Treasure maps also drop as loot.
    If you need another explorer's shovel, then you can purchase an explorer's shovel from a Graveyard Caretaker NPC, such as the caretaker on the North side of Port Harmony.

    Type of Creature:
    Treasure map drops have been confirmed for the creatures listed below (but maps may drop from creatures not listed here).
    • Humans (including Bandits, Plunderers, Barbarians, Archer, Ebon Dawn, Ebon Cultist, Rogues, Atavist)
    • Humanoids (including elves, kobolds, fauns, satyrs)
    • Undead (including skeletons, zombies, ghosts, liches, frostgeist)
    • Elementals & Golems (including air, earth, sand, obsidian)
    • Regular chests (un-buried loot chests)
    • Treasure map chests (buried treasure chests at the "X" on the treasure map can also drop treasure maps).
    As far as I know, it seems that maps do not drop from skin-able creatures (e.g. bears, wolves, etc.) or from gathering nodes (ore, cotton, etc.).
    Level of Creature (& Zone Level):
    It seems that treasure maps drop mainly in zones with difficulty of Tier 5 or less. The blood stained maps seem to be dropping from tier 4-7 creatures, and decrepit maps seem to be dropping from tier 2-5 creatures (note that a creature within a zone can be a different tier than the zone itself; the zone's tier tends to reflect the average tier of the creatures inside).
    Zones with Confirmed Map Drops:
    This is just a few examples of some zones where maps have dropped.
    • Greymark Forrest (Tier 5 zone)
    • Verdantis Foothills (Tier 5 zone)
    • Crag Foothills (Tier 5 zone)
    • Northern Grunvald Barrens (Tier 4 zone)
    • Southern Grundvald Barrens (Tier 3 zone)
    • Red Sash Bandit Overworld encounter
    • Bandit Overworld Encounter
    • Serpent Spine Foothills (Tier 4 zone)
    • Sieges
    • North Drachvald Spur
    • The Sirens Foothills

    If you click all the conversation keywords, Selleck or a Junior Treasure hunter will tell you that a secret on the backside of each map can be revealed by placing the map and a lemon on an alchemy crafting table, and then clicking craft. This will change the map to a "revealed" state that will show the secret message.
    To flip the map over, click this symbol [​IMG] in the upper right of the map window.
    Note that the flip symbol is sometimes "floating" relatively far away from the edge of the map, as shown below.
    Also, there is a bug that prevents activation of the "flip" icon if the icon is overlapping any other GUI interface element. So make sure you position the "flip" icon so it is overlaying only the background of the game window.

    Blood stained maps show treasure that is buried in PVP zones.
    Decrepit maps show treasure that is buried in non-PVP zones.

    You do not need to use coordinates to find the treasure location; however, in some cases, there is no in-game map for a zone, and using coordinates may be helpful in finding the treasure site. If you need to use the coordinates to help find the treasure, the coordinates of the treasure chests are provided in the spoilers below.

    To see your avatar's location coordinates, type "/loctrack" in the chat box, and your current coordinates will appear in the upper left game window (the coordinates are updated in real-time as you move around). The coordinates are in the order x, z, y (x is East-West, z is elevation/height, y is North-South). To remove the coordinates type "/loctrack" in the chat box again.

    Treasure Maps & Where to Find the Treasure

    The spoilers below reveal the front & back of each treasure map, and the location that each map refers to.
    Keep checking back - I will post more maps as I get more information.

    Thanks to the following players for providing additional maps and location information.

    Gwendolyn Obscuro
    Belladonna Rose

    Location: Midras Ruins
    Midras Ruins: closest entrance is Northwest Entrance, and treasure is at red X. The coordinates of the treasure are: 35.708, 71.629, 114.75

    Front of map:

    Back of map (revealed): Translation of the runic shown below is "Sacrifice"

    Location: Kas Ruins
    Kas Ruins: On the zone map, treasure is located at the red X. The first-person view shows a red flower that sometimes spawns where the treasure chest is located (the flower is visible on the treasure map), but the flower is not always there. The inset shows a zoomed-in view of the area after the flower has been killed, and the red X shows the spot to dig. The coordinates to dig at are: 3.561, 63.09, -105.101. The closest entrance to the treasure location is the South Entrance.

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed): Translation of the runic shown below is "Honor"

    Location: Libras Ruins
    Libras Ruins: On the zone map, treasure is located at green arrowhead. In the first-person view below, treasure located at the red X.

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed): Translation of the runic shown below is "Justice"

    Location: Rhun Ruins
    Rhun Ruins: location of treasure is at red X. The treasure coordinates are: -120.295, 95.682, -4.224 [note: this zone does not have an in-game map].

    Front of Map

    Back of Map (revealed): Translation from runic is "Compassion"

    Location: Opalis Ruins
    Opalis Ruins: On the zone map, treasure located at green arrowhead. On the first person view, the treasure is at the red X. The treasure coordinates are 89.508, 65.666, 141.17

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed): Translation of the runic shown below is "Honesty"

    Location: Dysborg Ruins
    Dysborg Ruins: treasure located at green arrowhead on the map, which is at the red X on the first-person view (location is -20.179, 63.863, 114.973).

    Front of Map

    Back of Map (revealed):

    The are 4 pieces to this map, each called "Decrepit Treasure Map Piece" followed by a number from 1 to 4. Place the 4 pieces on an alchemy table with 4 pine resin and click craft. This recipe is discover-able. Selleck (on the docks in Port Harmony) will tell you this recipe if you ask him about "pieces".

    Location: Sunless Barrens
    Sunless Barrens: On the zone map, dig at the green arrowhead. On the first person view, dig at the red X. The coordinates to dig are: -430.131, 48.641, -46.129. For this map, a cave opens when you go in the cave!

    Zoomed in view of the area to dig:

    Front of Map:

    Back of Map (revealed): this provides not only a hint to the treasure's location, but also to what the treasure contains!

    Location: Crooked Shank
    Crooked Shank: On the zone map, the treasure is at the green arrow head. In the first-person view, the treasure is at the red X. Location of treasure is -170.218, 52.368, 113.91

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed)

    Location: Crooked Shank
    Crooked Shank: On the zone map, the location is shown by the green arrowhead. On the first-person view, the treasure is shown by the red X. The coordinates of the treasure are: 170.977, 71.08, 79.547

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed)

    Location: South Broken Road
    South Broken Road: On the zone map, the location is shown by the green arrowhead. On the first-person view, the treasure is shown by the red X. The coordinates of the treasure are: -104.797, 53.008, 17.926

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed)

    Location: South Broken Road
    South Broken Road: On the zone map the treasure is at the green arrowhead. In the first-person view, the treasure is at the red X. The coordinates of the treasure are: 115.436, 66.119, 118.859

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed)
    "S.B.R." is an abbreviation for South Broken Road.

    Location: Plains of Righ Inis (on Hidden Vale)
    Plains of Righ Inis: The treasure chest location is at the green arrow on the zone map below, and is also shown on the first person view. The chest coordinates are -40.013, 34.637, 31.035.

    Front of Map:

    Note: the initial version of this map had the X in the wrong place. The corrected version of the map (shown above) has the X in the correct place.
    Back of map (revealed)

    Location: North Shattered Hills
    North Shattered Hills: On the zone map, treasure located at green arrowhead inside red box. In the first-person view, treasure is located at the red X. The coordinates of the treasure are: 100.182, 61.945, 33.399

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed)

    Location: Shamanian Hills
    Shamanian Hills: There is currently no in-game map of this zone. In the first person view below, the treasure is at the red X. This area is easily found if you start from the south/southeast entrance to the zone (the entrance that is at the stone bridge), and then walk up the path toward the middle of the zone. The coordinates of the treasure are: 128.567, 71.14, -54.673

    Front of Map:

    Back of map (revealed)

    Location: Sunless Barrens
    Sunless Barrens: On the zone map, treasure located at green arrowhead. In the first-person view, treasure is located at the red X. The coordinates of the treasure are: 183.342, 28.974, 83.19

    Front of Map:

    Back of Map (revealed):
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  18. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    Plains of Righ Inis
    Barugon, Sean Silverfoot and Mapper like this.
  19. Rinaldi

    Rinaldi Bug Hunter

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    Zone: Blood Bay (PVP zone)
    Spoiler: Solution to getting the keys, opening the treasure vault, and getting the Blessing of Skill (+5 Adventure level).

    To start the quest, get the "Pirate Notes" from the chest in Scoundrel's Hold (the southern area of the twin towns that are high on the rocks on the Eastern side of Blood Bay island).
    The chest is next to an outdoor table, with a skeleton sitting in a chair next to the table.

    Coordinates: 615.363, 84.178, -93.359

    If you would like to solve the rest of the puzzle/quest on your own, then the information above is enough to get you started.
    If you want more spoilers, keep reading...


    Note that blood bay does not have an in-game map. Using the location coodinates is very helpful. To see your coordinates in real-time (displayed in the upper left of the game window), type "/loctrack" in chat. To turn the coordinates off, type "/loctrack" again.

    The quest/puzzle tells you to find 4 keys, and then locate the cellar.

    Step 1
    Find the haunted hut at location 510.862, 36.056, 669.257. It is on the northeast end of island and shows as point of interest on the compass called "Haunted hut".


    Step 2
    From the Haunted Hut, go due west to the stone sarcophagus/coffin in the ruins at location 206.453, 23.859, 704.634. To get the first key, you have to open the coffin.


    To open the coffin, you must activate a pressure plate. To get to the pressure plate, jump along the stone pillars. The pic below shows an easy method to get onto the pillars (start by standing on the coffin).
    Jump on the pressure plate (you may need to jump on it more than once to get the coffin to open, or you may need to stand on the pressure plate for a few seconds).


    Now that the coffin is open, click on the copper key to take it. The pic below shows what is inside the coffin.

    Step 3
    From the coffin, go southwest to Grub's Stash at location 15.681, 20.116, 613.647 (which shows as a point of interest on the compass called "cave").
    Go inside the cave, and loot the chest to get the bronze key.


    Step 4
    Go to the South end of the island and find the southern foot bridge. From the start of the bridge (its East end), go south to the stone tower, on which the coffin of Two-Eyed Sue is resting. The tower is located at 19.212, 66.809, -582.103.
    There are wooden and stone outcroppings that encircle the tower, which you can use like a spiral staircase to get to the top.
    You can fall between the outcroppings, which can make the journey to the top a bit frustrating.
    But you are less likely to fall if you keep your avatar close to the tower (where the outcroppings originate).
    When you get to the top, click to open the coffin and click on the tin key to take it.


    Step 5
    From the tower, go southeast and swim out to the galleon at location 351.951, 30.108, -870.788 (the galleon is also located South-by-Southwest from Scoundrel's Hold). You can see the galleon in the picture above (it is just to the left of the top of the tower).
    Click on the ladder to board the galleon, then loot the chests on the ship to get the iron key.

    Step 6
    If you wanna find the "ol picnic place", climb to the very highest point in Blood Bay.
    It is a bit challenging to get there (but you do not need to go there to finish this quest/treasure hunt).
    If you would rather not spend time trying to get to the picnic place, skip to step 7.
    Pics of the Picnic Place:
    see this link.
    From the picnic place, go north down the mountain to find the cellar (treasure vault).

    Step 7
    Go to the cellar (treasure vault) at location -146.709, 238.21, 265.282 (it is about half way up the mountain, above the obsidian and lava fields).
    Click on the door, unlock and open the 4 gates, and loot the chest (the loot is nothing special, just low value loot).
    If you step into the blue swirly aura, you will obtain the 3-day Blessing of Skill (+5 adventure level).

    Outside the Treasure Vault
    Inside the Treasure Vault


    1. Get copper key from the coffin in the ruins (stand on pressure plate to open coffin): 206.453, 23.859, 704.634
    2. Get bronze key from the chest in Grub's Cave: 15.681, 20.116, 613.647
    3. Get tin key from the coffin on top of Two-Eyed Sue tower: 19.212, 66.809, -582.103
    4. Get Iron key from the chest on Peaches Galleon: 351.951, 30.108, -870.788
    5. Get Treasure &/or Blessing of Skill in the Cellar (Treasure vault): -146.709, 238.21, 265.282
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    Alley Oop likes this.