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[Responded] Item stuck in limbo in inventory

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by tomcat_de, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. tomcat_de

    tomcat_de Avatar

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    11/26/2021 09:05
    Title: Item is permanently shown in red in inventory
    Reproduction Rate: Happened once
    Blocker? Yes, I can't use the item
    Details: After moving between containers, an item is stuck in its "red state", as if a the transaction wasn't properly completed. It cannot be moved or interacted with at all.
    Steps to Reproduce: Unsure. I was combining artifacts and when finished, I put the resulting item in a small bag inside my inventory. The transition state (item shown in red) was never ended, it is stuck in this state, even after logging out and back in again.

    EDIT: I just found out additionally that I cannot unequip either of my rings - both Rare BMC Rings in this case; I think I actually used one of them to combine into the Legendary one. So the transaction/lock during combining must not have been completed nor aborted correctly.

    Please help, my character is now pretty much unplayable :-(

    EDIT 2: After logging out and back in again, this issue resolved itself. But maybe you can use this information still, so I'm not deleting the thread.

    EDIT 3: When I try to equip my "Mining" deck, to which the BMC rings are linked, the problem re-appears until I log out and back in.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (32) System RAM: 65480
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU RAM: 24348
    Area: Novia_R11_Hills01_ElysiumMines
    Area Display Name: Elysium Mines
    Loc: (-177.7, -10.9, -72.8)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjExX0hpbGxzMDFfRWx5c2l1bU1pbmVzfHwoLTE3Ny43MzUsIC0xMC45MDcsIC03Mi43NzgpfCgwLCAwLjY0NSwgMCwgMC43NjQpfDgwLjM4ODc1fDI1LjE2NTY2fDYuNjQ=

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    yes, @tomcat_de, that bright red indicates a server sync issue that can be fixed by restarting. usually it's just a random glitch, though. if you have a way to do it reliably, i'd ask @Ravalox to look at it when he's back from vacation.
    tomcat_de likes this.
  3. tomcat_de

    tomcat_de Avatar

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    Thank you for your reply @Alley Oop. The problem is still present and 100% reproducible on my character:

    1) Log out of the game and back in
    2) Make sure that that any other deck than "mining" is active
    3) Try to swap to deck "Mining"
    4) Observe that switching did not work (in the "Combat Decks" window, the "Equip" button next to "Mining" did not turn green)
    5) Open paperdoll and observe that the game actually equipped all the gear linked to "Mining"
    6) Try to unequip either ring -> The game won't let you, it won't start the dragging process. Unequipping anything else works fine
    7) Open inventory, open bag "Crafting Rings" and observe that "The Ring of the Unknown BMC Member, Rare +1" is now shown in red

    If it helps, I can make a video demonstrating this bug.

    I guess if I deleted the "Mining" deck and re-created it, the bug would be fixed. If you consider this bug too exotic to put any effort into, it's fine - I'll just re-create the deck and move on :)

    Anpu and Alley Oop like this.
  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    not so much too exotic as requiring a real dev to examine by impersonating you. @Ravalox can look at it when he's back from vacation.
    tomcat_de likes this.