1. We have a dedicated Player Test Environment on our QA server available for player use. This server will be kept open with periodic database resets, when we will copy the database from the live server. The server database will be updated at least twice a month during a scheduled maintenance window.

    Though players are welcome to use the QA server to experiment or test anything they wish, we will post patch notes and testing directives in this area. Players testing new content, features and systems will greatly help in reducing post release bugs and making the game better.

    To assist players in helping us make the game better, the Test Server will award login bonuses in CotOs and Gold coins to allow players to purchase resources or anything they may need to test from the Crown Store and/or from the in game vendors. In Addition, the Developers will announce dates/times when Dev Assisted Player Test Events will occur on the QA Server.

    Please use the Test Environment Bug and Feedback forums for QA Server activities only.

    You can help test by downloading a new SotA Launcher(QA) installer to download a separate QA copy of the game. It exists independently from the regular live version of the game and installs to a separate folder. To use the Player Test Environment, please download the QA Server client here:

    Windows: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/SotAInstaller(QA)-1.2.0.exe

    Mac: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/Shroud of the Avatar - Installer(QA) 1.1.0.pkg

    Linux Package: https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/shroud-of-the-avatar-launcher-qa_1.1.0_amd64.deb

    Linux tar.gz:https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/Installers/shroud-of-the-avatar-launcher-qa_1.1.0.tar.gz

    For information on installing the Steam QA client, click here.

QA Server update and status

Discussion in 'Player Test Environment (QA Server)' started by Ravalox, Sep 2, 2022.

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  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX

    The QA server has been in an odd state for a while now due to our work on Unity 2021. After our last push we kinda broke some things so I wanted to get the server back to a stable state before moving forward with this next 2021 development sprint.


    * I have synced the DB back from Live so QA is current (up to yesterday)
    * The current QA patch *will* require that you patch from 0-1392 (had to flush out all the 2021 stuff)

    Also, please note that the current QA build has some partially finished work on it so be aware that Player Dungeon Deco is buggy right now. This has been corrected but is not in the current QA build.
    (so please do not report odd Player Dungeon behavior on the 1392 QA build)

    Thanks for your patience!
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