PvE Event: The Shade and the Serpant part 2

Discussion in 'Recurring Player Events' started by Arkah EMPstrike, Nov 21, 2020.

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  1. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Gonna have to cancel this event because shroud has stopped working for me and doesnt seem reppairable atm.
  2. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    PvE event is reschedules for wednesday 7pm. The saturday PvP event has been rescheduled for 7pm CST sunday
    Sean Silverfoot and Elgarion like this.
  3. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    (PvE event Wednesday Dec 30th 7pm CST)

    The Ebon Dawn seem to be recouperating from the assault at Rhun. No longer plagued by by death wherever they go.

    Meanwhile, in the depths of the underworld, a vengful spirit lingers. Waiting for the opportunity to unleash his wrath on the sorcerer who locked him away in limbo.
  4. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    The remaining undead who follow Razox had SEEMED stopped thier relentless persuit of the Ebon Dawn.

    However, they were found going north into the northern drachvald spur, territory of a local gang of bandits.

    The bandits lit a signal fire atop the hill as the undead approached, and luckily a band of outlanders showed up to investigate. Unfortunately, the signal fire and commotion from the fighting between the undead, bandits, and outlanders attracted a pair of opportunistic dragons looking for a meal.

    This proved to be little more than a nuisance for the outlanders. But it was enough of a distraction for the undead to make thier way into Port Graff.

    Fleeing townsfolk and cries for help met with the outlanders as they arrived in Port Graff to find the people being attacked by zombies. The slain then rose again to join the rank of the dead. This was unusual and was similar to how the undead numbers managed to multiply before the ritual at Rhun was undone. It didnt make any sense, they should not be re-raising this quickly.

    An answer to that mystery soon presented itself in the form of a multi-phase shade of Razox Dread manifesting in the center of town, his power split into multiple illusary copies of himself!

    The outlanders fought hard to subdue each manifestation of Razox. But how was he still able to manifest here if he had been sealed away.

    One of the outlanders discovered a glowing obsidian shard similar to those found in Rhun after the incident there. How did it get to Graff?

    That, too, was answered as the high cultist wizard was captured in his attempt to flee the city. Why did he bring a shard from Rhun here? Unfortunately the answer may be lost as he was immediately killed by the outlanders.
  5. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    (PvE event Jan 3rd 7pm CST)

    The sorcerer responsible for undoing the ritual at Rhun and stopping the undead from rising relentlessly has been slain, but it seems reports of the undead harassing areas in unusually large number are still comming in!

    With the Rhun ritual undone, it doesn't make sense. Is Razox really behind this?
  6. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Cries of “Ho Hah!” Could be heard from Etceter as the undead invaded thier shores. Lost souls of sailors taken by the Bay of Storms clamored from the water in full on attack after an old abandoned galleon drifted into port.

    As a group of outlanders showed up to help defend Etceter, a mysterious voice began taunting them.

    But everything seemed to be going well. The satyrs were optimistic and even offered the outlanders a compliment or two on thier strength. But that took a turn when merchants cried out from the market inside the city. The undead had worked thier way in somehow, and the elite guards had taken up arms in full force to defend thier city.

    The outlanders joined the battle within the city, but something was wrong...

    The protection of the oracle had forsaken the saytr guards. In the heat of battle, the outlanders had not noticed or cared, and the voice that had been taunting them grew more amused as the Saytrs of Etceter had now turned against the outlanders, forcing them to defend themselves.

    The shrieking voice of Razox had begun crying out and the mysterious voice offered him promises of being released. Razox’s shade appeared, once again his power weakened and divided as the one controlling him laughed and taunted him, amused at his own cruel deception.

    After the outlanders defeated the shade, the voice taunted them once more and bid them farewell, for now, implying heavily that he would see them again..
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
    Elgarion, Anpu and Lily Byrd like this.
  7. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    (PvE event wed. January 6th 7pm CST)

    Update: (will be reshceduled for the 10th do to rl stuff)

    It seems someone has succeeded where the ancient obsidians and Ebon Dawn have failed. If the undead are now acting as somone’s army, this could spell doom for Novia.

    Who was the mysterious person claiming control of Razox in Etceter? And why did they choose to remain hidden?

    On top of this, now a faction of elite Saytr Guards have declared enemies of the outlanders for their perceived betrayal in Etceter...
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
    Elgarion, Anpu and Lily Byrd like this.
  8. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    You might already know this but you can type /visible to hide your avatar for screenshots.
    Elgarion, Anpu and Arkah EMPstrike like this.
  9. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    If you’re talking about the mysterious darkness off the left, thats not me... who could it be?
    Elgarion, Anpu and Barugon like this.
  10. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    (Pve event tonight rescheduled for the 10th at 7pm)
    Elgarion likes this.
  11. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    I actually forgot about this because i got busy doing something else >.> Ill do it monday (tomorrow)

    Sorry, Im gonna set an alarm for tomorrow
    Elgarion likes this.
  12. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Im busy again today. Im gonna hold off doing these for a while Ill post here when i come back to it
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