Player dungeon issues

Discussion in 'Housing & Lots' started by Lilith Ayin, Feb 4, 2021.

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  1. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Good Morning.
    I have finished building my dungeon, and when I put it in adventure mode, I found some bugs.
    For what it's worth, my dungeon encounter rooms are "The Rise - Library", "Stone Throne Room - The Fall", "Troll encounter room" and "Stone dungeon room spawned, random encounter 1".

    First of all, it is necessary to select the option "enable" or "disable adventure mode" several times, since the option is never activated only once.

    Second, it is necessary to enter and exit the dungeon several times for monsters to appear. For example, I enter the dungeon once, and there are trolls in the trolls room, and there are liches in the throne room, but there are no kobolds or elves in their rooms. Without killing any monsters, I go out and back into the dungeon, and there are kobolds and liches, but there are no trolls or elves. Besides this being annoying, it completely breaks the feeling of adventure.

    Finally, when elves finally appear in "The Rise - Library", only one elf has appeared. Only one! I read somewhere that player dungeons were not meant for players to get rich in them, but ... only one elf ??? In a room so big and sooo expensive to build?
  2. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Dungeon adventure zone enable only needs to be done when you want it to be live. off is for decorating and changing only.

    the rooms themselves do not come with the mobs. if the room says for example encounter in the name it allows for mobs. if no encounter it means its only a deco room. some deco monster rooms can be converted for a crown fee or you have to continue to farm for the encounter version.

    The spawn / encounter rooms use a totem which is made of essence. for example the lich boss room is for liches so you need to collect lich essence 100 of them to craft a tier 1 lich totem. that totem then can be placed in the room in deco mode on the pedestal.

    for your last question the higher the tier the more mobs and higher level mobs will appear. so could be you only have a tier1.
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