Middle Downs, Mildryd quest

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ConjurerDragon, May 11, 2023.

  1. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    I got the quest to look for her mom from the girl in Resolute.
    Went to Middle Downs and found the 3: Lefric/Cutpurse, Willmer/Brawler and Mildryd/Mom

    05/11/2023 13:57
    Reproduction Rate:
    Blocker? no
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics (12) System RAM: 15742
    GPU: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics GPU RAM: 4430
    Area: Novia_R6_Hills02_02
    Area Display Name: Middle Downs
    Loc: (-128.3, 52.8, -63.4)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfSGlsbHMwMl8wMnx8KC0xMjguMjg2LCA1Mi44MTIsIC02My4zOSl8KDAsIC0wLjI2LCAwLCAwLjk2Nil8LTExMTAuMTQ1fDQ5LjQ1NjUyfDEuMjU=

    When I speak first to Mildryd I see no option to tell Mildryd that her daughter has already hired me to find and help her.
    Instead Mildryd wants me to "Draw my sword and show these cowardly thiefs what for".

    And all I can answer are two options:
    Take 50 gold and stay safe OR Leave or I steal from you.

    Why do I offer 50 gold? She never asked for a specific amount but only for violence against the thieves. If I want to offer her 50 gold so that she can bribe the villains herself it´s not clear and I would not know if it would be enough.

    Leave or I steal from you - she is standing between two villains who intend to rob her, where she can´t get away from. How can I ask her to leave? That makes no sense, even if it is the "bad" option.

    Would not a threepart answer be better?

    A) good/lawful: Before I resort to violence I will speak to them on your behalf. [Peaceful for now answer, continue problem solving in talk with Cutpurse]

    B) neutral: I will dispatch them for you. [As the villains are standing right next to her this should trigger that the Brawler and Cutpurse become hostile to me]

    C) evil / chaotic: Hand over your belongings to me and don´t worry asbout these two. This is now MY road. [Have the villains become hostile to me *if they estimate that they have a chance* and when they attack have Mildryd join them in attacking me]
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Some thoughts:
    • There are more options that you're not seeing. For example, if you don't have that 50 gold on you, you get different choices. Choices with Mildryd, choices with Lefrec, choices with Wilmer... it was an early quest of mine that had overly complicated logic behind the scenes. My preference is to leave it as-is. It works well enough and I'd rather not risk breaking it.
    • "[The] villains are standing right next to her this should trigger that the Brawler and Cutpurse become hostile to me." We don't have the tech to do this; I can't make a passive NPC start fighting you because of something you said to another NPC. If you say something to an NPC that should trigger a fight, it can only trigger that one NPC you're talking to and no one else. (It's also true that even after you trigger the fight, that same NPC will not automatically return to fighting you after they lose aggro on you. They will need to be triggered again in conversation. You can see an example of this in the Crooked Shank scene if your choices lead you to become an enemy of the town.)
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