I know how to make crafting sessions fun

Discussion in 'Crafting & Gathering' started by Vladamir Begemot, Oct 11, 2019.

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  1. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    No more Netflix and craft, or browing FB on your phone while you craft. I know how to make it fun.

    Borrow from one of the most popular games of all time.

    The Sims. In the Sims you don't have to sit there and watch your sim cook if you don't want to. If you did, it would be considered boring. Sometimes you want to see or do something else.

    In Shroud you don't have multiple sims, but you do have a lot of other things you could be doing in between pushing the craft button, and it doesn't have to be washing the dishes.

    Inventory management and decorating pop to mind. Neither of these need your Avatar to be engaged physically, they are both a "meta" thing.

    So, when a player starts crafting, let them slew around their property or even town. They can interact with their bank and containers, as well as move deco around and play chess. Once the NPCs show up, they can upload to them and configure their dialogs.

    Suddenly there is a lot more reason to stay at your computer while crafting, which means the rep of boring grindy crafting may suddenly vanish.

    (This gets doubly good when LUA is available so we can have a minimize the crafting window while the famous status bar moves, then switch back to it when the batch is done).
    Spoon, Dartan Obscuro and Pifester like this.
  2. Parson Barr

    Parson Barr Avatar

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    Totally agree. I wish I could slew or move around, especially so I can record some video showing me craft from different angles.
  3. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    Generally speaking, I don't like the suggestions that allow people to mass produce anything easier. But meta activities like decorating, inventory management, checking your mail? I'd be down with that. I'd probably want to limit it to activities that could be done in the same room, but I wouldn't have a fit if that limitation wasn't there.
    Vladamir Begemot likes this.
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