Get paid for Role-playing!

Discussion in 'Roleplayer's Corner' started by Adam Crow, Nov 2, 2018.

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  1. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Have you ever been interested in role playing, but you weren't sure where to start? Maybe you're looking for a place to call home, but you haven't got a dime to spend on housing? If so, please read on, because this just might be the opportunity you were looking for!

    I'm currently looking for Role-players of all types, from the very casual to the most hardcore to help build and maintain a village located in the player owned town of Kahli. Boreus Village is in need of help from every angle possible. Whether you are an adventurer, a craftsman or anything in between, we will find a spot for you!

    For becoming a member of Boreus Village you will receive wages including food, lodging, training, commission-free vendor use in Novia Market and Boreus Village, and a weekly gold stipend dependent upon your role in the village. What do you have to do to receive these benefits you ask? To put it bluntly, just show up and have fun! Anyone that joins the village and does their best at role-playing will be eligible for the wages listed above.

    Everyone has a different idea of what role-playing is to them, so I will be evaluating each applicant on a case by case basis. The more you contribute to Boreus Village, the surrounding communities and the SOTA RP in general, the bigger your payment will be. So basically by attending events when possible and just interacting with the other role-players you will be eligible for the wages mentioned above. You can also help with current events or create some of your own, the possibilities are endless!

    I'm looking for farmers, guards, fishermen, traveling adventurers, you name it! Whatever role you can think of! Young and old, newcomers and veterans, like I said earlier, everyone is welcome to apply!

    If any of this sounds like fun to you, please contact me via pm on the forums, send me a letter, or just add me to your friends list and send me a message in game. I will gladly go over the details in more depth with anyone that's interested!

    - Adam Crow
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    I like this! It reminds me so much of the old west time frame where they'd advertise the boom towns out west were in search of doctors, miners, smiths, teachers, etc. Cool! I go to Boreus Village to buy my food all the time. I look forward to seeing some RP there in the future. Good idea, Adam. :)
  3. Sid

    Sid Avatar

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    Omg, I've been looking to roleplay for ages, last time was in UO. Now the thing is, I have already a guild and a home within another village. Can I still come as a casual?
    How many people are in your community? And also is there a peak time to come to your town, nothing makes me cringe more than a RP town with no one in there.
    Let me know!
    .dao., Elgarion and Adam Crow like this.
  4. Sid

    Sid Avatar

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    So I'm a little reluctant to enter this Kahli town, it says it's an open PVP area...
    What's the deal? Is this a trap?
  5. Jason_M

    Jason_M Avatar

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    Kahli is legit :)

    Sometimes a little roustabout is necessary in RP ;)

    At any rate, I've never heard a qualm about the Kahli folks.
  6. Sid

    Sid Avatar

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    Okay, I believe you lol
    .dao. and Elgarion like this.
  7. Gorthyn

    Gorthyn Avatar

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    No trap at all and is gradually building up a nice community there, with several guilds and different settlements active.

    All RPers are welcome to visit and get involved whether you live in Kahli or elsewhere
  8. Doctorface

    Doctorface Avatar

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    I might know a detective
    .dao. and Elgarion like this.
  9. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    To be perfectly blunt: The thing about empty RP towns won't change as long as there's people expecting to get stuff that's ready for consumption instead of rolling up their sleeves to contribute.

    I think "my" district in Kahli called Helheim is the most active part of Kahli currently, with 7 people living there and about as many that regularly visit the place. Gorthyn and Adam are just now building up their districts and have really exciting plans for them and much to offer. These places will get busy, if players decide to come and make them busy. This is of course also a great opportunity to help shape a group!

    Elgarion, the owner of Kahli, is inviting everyone to come RP in Kahli on weekend mornings (9am to 12 noon NBT), and you will generally find a few people around at that time. The disctrict Helheim is usually busiest on Saturday afternoons, but other than that it is hard to predict when people will be around. We had an impromptu RP session involving eight characters the other day, totally unplanned, because everyone for some reason or the other had a free afternoon/evening.

    Communities grow as people are willing to participate and contribute.

    Feel welcome to visit Kahli and its various districts. If you'd like to come hang out in Helheim sometime, send me a whisper and I'll gladly RP with you and/or give you an IC or OOC tour.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  10. Fei Akhart

    Fei Akhart Avatar

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    Helvig is right. When I laid my house in Helheim, I vowed to participate in the community itself and not just put a Viking house there to adorn it.

    I think that's what makes the difference in any community: active participation of the players that makes it evolve and grow more and more. :)
    Adam Crow, Olthadir, .dao. and 2 others like this.
  11. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Im just starting out the recruiting for my village, so right now it's just me but as you read above, some of the nearby settlements have more members now and are starting to grow! You can just be a casual and stay in your own guild, I'm just trying to help bring more RPers together.

    And no it's not a trap, and if you or anyone is hesitant to enter the pvp zone there are plenty of other areas we can hang out that are completely safe! Also I can go over some tips so you can enter the pvp area if you desire, without risking much of anything. I have spent countless hours in Kahli at this point and I have yet to be attacked by any pks or anyone else for that matter. That of course could change, but for the time being the area has been pretty safe.

    Add me to your friends list and we can meet up sometime in game for an impromptu RP session and I can show you around Kahli or meet up somewhere that isn't a pvp zone. If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  12. Sid

    Sid Avatar

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    What are these tips you are referring to?
    .dao. and Elgarion like this.
  13. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    When you get killed in pvp a tombstone appears and a player can claim it. You drop an equipable item, a non-equipable item and a random body part (skull, jawbone or hand). You then have the option to give those items to the player that claimed the ransom or you can pay an amount of gold based on those items to get your items back (except the body part the player gets to keep that as a trophy either way).

    So you want to only carry 0 value items, items you can afford to lose, or items you are willing to pay the ransom on to get back. If you only carry a small amount of reagents (if needed), and use either add-on store equipment or equipment from a telethon (items that show 0 value in your inventory), those items aren't droppable.

    If you have no items of value at all in your inventory and just use 0 value equipment, you will only lose a body part in the ransom and nothing else.

    Most of the settlements in Kahli have gated areas we can close off to intruders as well. Also when you enter Kahli, you randomly spawn, so pks won't be able to camp at the entrance to pick you off when you first enter. With the current settings and current pk population, the odds of being attacked and killed are very slim!
  14. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    Adding to Adam's very good advice:

    If you just want to come to RP and don't care for PvP, do exactly what Adam suggested and wear add-on-store or telethon armor/clothing, and bring nothing else. If you are attacked, try to reach a basement entrance. Most basements in Kahli have PvP disabled. And if you are killed, you lose nothing, so just get ressed and resume your roleplay or incorporate the attack and possibly injuries in your RP.

    Instead, if you want to defend yourself in case of an attack, or even consider hunting people yourself, just bank all your artifacts and stuff that you carry ariound but don't actually need, and carry less than 50 of each reagent. A decent piece of enchanted and/or masterworked armor or weapon doesn't cost a fortune to ransom. The expensive things to ransom are actually artifacts and reagents (more expensive than buying new, so don't bother). Also a good advice is to carry around a few junk items, of which at least half should be equipable (rusty weapons and armor pieces from crap loot, wooden mugs, worn cloaks, crap food like bark bread or white cake, and so on).

    A piece of advice that I always give to people that want to dip a toe into exposing themselves to PvP is to have a friend kill them a couple of times, with limited things in their backpack, so they can find out the ransom cost for their belongings and choose what to bring based on that information.

    That being said, I bow to the maturity of SotA's player base. I live in Kahli and spend a lot of time there. And I admit, I do get attacked occasionally. Not often, but it does happen. But the aggressors so far have all been very respectful about it. No smack talk, no ress-killing, no griefing in any way. Of the few people with whom I have had the pleasure of violent interaction in Kahli, most were roleplayers themselves, actually. Kahli is fun!
  15. Sid

    Sid Avatar

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    That town is pretty terrifying, first person I crossed in there:


    A red player lol. I love RP-ing but damn, if I have to fear for my life every corner... I don't know if it's worth it, and it's not like there are guards in these little hamlets. A crazy player not caring about any RP could just massacred anything in sight.
    Fei Akhart and .dao. like this.
  16. Helvig Ingvildsdottir

    Helvig Ingvildsdottir Avatar

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    Helboer in Kahli
    Haha! In an open PvP scene everyone is red to you, except for your guildmates and people you are in party with, and you are red to everyone. Red simply means: You can attack them and they can attack you.

    But no, Kahli is not for those that are so horrified of PvP.

    Side note: Sabrae, btw, is one of the good girls, fighting for that which is right, and her player is one of the finest RPers we have in SotA.

    Edit a few hours later: Thank you for the really great RP, Sid! Looking forward to tomorrow, and hope to see you often in Kahli!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
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