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GCotO Buy+Sell ATM (Current median price: 2450 gold per coto)

Discussion in 'Commodities (WTS/WTB COTOs, Resources, Components)' started by Umuri, Aug 19, 2016.

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  1. Umuri

    Umuri Avatar

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    Long time no see.
    So in related news: The atm was gone for awhile due lot ownership change, but due to the gracious patronage of Helima, it is back open again, and i've gotten it stabilized enough i feel confident to offer price information again! :p

    Also from now on, in these posts I will include the snapshot so we have a historical tracking as well:

    Current Median Price: 2425 gold per coto
    Coto buy price deviation: 125 gold (Up to 2550)
    Coto sell price deviation: 125 gold (Down to 2300)

    Coto news:
    Big price jump last month, but seems to have stabilized and is dropping back down. Variance has returned to somewhat normal levels, although there is pretty fast movement so don't expect it to drop too much over the next two weeks.

    Also, SotaSTATS should be launching tomorrow or tuesday, and will include information about the GCoto supply/demand, and how they're generated/used up, which will greatly help the economy forecasts and these posts.

    What this means for you:
    Healthy somewhat stable market, still quieting down after the riot last few weeks with people driving price up with runaway slippage.
    More news coming and new tools coming!
    StarLord, Spoon, hroth and 1 other person like this.
  2. Spoon

    Spoon Avatar

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    Great to have it back and a new update to boot, thank you.
    K1000 likes this.
  3. Umuri

    Umuri Avatar

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    Current Median Price: 2200 gold per coto
    Coto buy price deviation: 275 gold (Up to 2475)
    Coto sell price deviation: 275 gold (Down to 1975)

    News: ATM is going strong, however a huge spread/variation is currently persisting over the last week+. I have been busy with my fall things so i cannot even begin to conjecture why we have an over 500 gold spread between buy/sell. But, I can say that SotaSTATS will be launching tomorrow and should help you all see the data to make your own observations on the coto usage and generation metrics.

    What this means for you: Who knows. I think more will fall in line with the next release, but for now, chalk this one up to a few people being crazy.
    Armeleon Vesaz and K1000 like this.
  4. Umuri

    Umuri Avatar

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    Current Median Price: 2450 gold per coto
    Coto buy price deviation: 75 gold (Up to 2525)
    Coto sell price deviation: 50 gold (Down to 2400)

    Wow! Talk about your price stability. This is the lowest variance we've seen ever. And this has persisted across the past week, so looks like things have finally calmed down. However it may get a little more unstable, just because the holiday season is coming up and we have a patch on the way.

    What this means for you: Market stabilization is generally a precursor to movement, and this is the most stable we've ever gotten. Place your bets which way it will go when the next release starts, but for now it's smooth as butter!
  5. Yakamo LLTS

    Yakamo LLTS Avatar

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    I like that price, Chris said on stream it was 2700.

    someone can clip it if they want
    K1000 likes this.
  6. Vooch

    Vooch Avatar

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    2400 per COTO price will drop A LOT between now and Cyber Monday. As people buy stuff on the add-on store, they get COTOs as rewards the next day, for the next 40 days.

    Basic supply vs. demand Economics. Supply is rising rapidly; therefore, prices will fall.


    No sense in buying COTOs at this time.
  7. Spoon

    Spoon Avatar

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    Where I'd guesstimate that the Cyber Monday is the only reason why the price doesn't continue to increase.
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