Character initialization

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Turk Key, Dec 27, 2022.

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  1. Turk Key

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    Since the original thread is locked, in summary was a guess that character initialization is sometimes borked at log in.

    After many observations over a long period of time, I think I have the cause for this corralled. Problem....DPS drops from normal at log in for a varying period of time, apparently randomly.

    I think that the problem is the time of day. In my case, whether the sun is up or not affects my strength.

    Since I also have learned the skill that extends these effects at the end and beginning of the night. It seems that the sun effects are not applied at character start up. Later when the sun cycle changes, suddenly the proper effects are applied to stats. Because sign in can occur at all times of the day/night cycle, it was hard to duplicate or determine what the heck was going on. Watching my character stats at sunrise and sunset after sign on seems to explain the DPS, health, and strength of changes. All of which are really driven by strength.
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