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Castle Atos, Fox and rabbit quest

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations & NPCs' started by ConjurerDragon, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Avatar

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    In Castle Atos after showering in the blessing bath I accidentally stumbled over a child with a mask on in the bush next to the statue and talked to it.

    Far later I met the other children in the outer courtyard with sparkling hands who had the games/fox and rabbit quest to find the child with the mask. Thinking "now THAT will be easy, knowing where I met it before" I ran back to the first place - noone there. Then I searched all 3 of the areas marked in blue on the map - nothing...

    Did meeting the masked child first mess up the quest?

    The quest conditions mentioned where that I have time until the end of the day - yet that day is over and the questgiver simply mentions that the last rabbit is still missing...

    Edit: Forget it - after closing and restarting the game the child with the mask was there again. Although hiding in a place that was not marked blue. But quest solved.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
  2. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    The blue magnifying glass markers don’t actually indicate any actual area to search for the “rabbit” kid in the mask. It’s more of a, you will need to search around the entire scene.
  3. Rinaldi

    Rinaldi Bug Hunter

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    The masked child can spawn in about 20 different locations inside castle atos. I think the 3 blue quest markers are somewhat misleading for this particular quest, but as Anpu (the quest master) said... you'll have to search everywhere. after you have done the quest several times, you'll know the usual places the masked kid hides.
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